Our Services

If you are a Hiring Executive

Are you frustrated by the volumes of replies to your ads that miss the mark? Tired of recruiters who don’t understand your industry and specific needs?

  • We probe and listen as you outline your company culture, hiring preferences and specific challenges that a new hire will face.
  • We develop a recruiting plan that is tailored to your company. We identify and evaluate exceptional talent that fits your needs, rather than submit resumes that contain keywords or titles that seem to fit a job description.
  • We facilitate the interviewing process and, as consultants with years of experience, provide pertinent feedback to improve your ability to accurately assess and attract top talent.
  • We mediate the sensitive negotiating phase of talent acquisition. We only present candidates whose salary expectations and career goals are in line with your hiring target. Our goal is No Surprises.

If you are searching for your next opportunity

Have you worked with recruiters who “disappear” after presenting an opportunity or scheduling an interview? Have you ever submitted your resume to a job board or company career portal, the black holes of the internet? At CFR we believe that open, honest and timely communication is the foundation for mutually beneficial relationships.

  • We listen as you describe your experience, accomplishments and career dreams. We only present opportunities that fit your professional goals and are a step forward in your career progression.
  • We provide detailed information on our client company’s career opportunity, culture and background of the key hiring executives. We understand that jobs are much more than a description on a piece of paper.
  • We prepare you for interviews and help formulate a successful presentation strategy. We eliminate surprises on interview day.
  • We handle salary negotiations and mediate issues throughout this sensitive time. Our goal is an offer that meets or exceeds your expectations, yet provides future salary growth.

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